Cognition, Action and Sensorimotor Plasticity

Research Unit – CAPS 1093


An integrated and quantified approach to normal and pathological movement

We consider movement as a real therapeutic agent, capable of acting on cerebral and neuromuscular plasticity in order to optimize or rehabilitate motor function. This holistic and translational approach to motor function responds to a strong societal need in terms of health, well-being or performance.

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02 Jul 2024

Conference “Rethinking the future of the disability and old age sector

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2 Events at the Collège de France Early July

06 May 2024

Aphantasia linked to abnormal brain responses to imagined and observed actions

02 May 2024

Brain benefits of sport: no point in running?

26 Apr 2024

In Dijon, athletes advance research… and their performances

16 Apr 2024

Colloque “Pour que vieillir soit une chance” April 11-13, 2024 UFR STAPS Dijon

29 Mar 2024

Article in Le Bien Public – “Le mouvement est un médicament”

20 Feb 2024

Tango therapy: get into the dance

10 Jan 2024

ICI 19/20 France 3 Bourgogne-Franche Comté Saturday, January 6, 2024

24 Nov 2023

Post-doctoral position in Cognitive Neurosciences

Study of movements

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