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Anne-Lise Jouen

  • MCF
  • 202
  • Laboratoire INSERM U1093
    Faculté des Sciences du Sport (UFR Staps)
    Université de Bourgogne
    BP 27877
    21078 Dijon


Neuroscience (language, speech, spatial cognition, embodied cognition…), Neuroimaging (fMRI, EEG, fNIRS), Robotics and VR

2022-2023 Post-doctoral position, Study of the impact of telepresence robotics and virtual reality on spatial and bodily representations, CAPS Laboratory, DIJON
2017-2020 Post-doctoral position, study of speech production in EEG, SNF Sinergia grants, Project MoSpeeDi)
Neuropsycholinguistic group of Prof. Marina Laganaro, University of Geneva, Switzerland
2015-2017 Post-doctoral position, Teaching through Human-robot Interactions and Neurosciences
Laboratory of Prof. Kazuo Hiraki, the University of Tokyo, Japan (JSPS fellowship award)
2013-2015 Post-doctoral position, Evaluation of social skills in Autism using ICT
Prof. M.Chetouani’s group “multimodal integration, interaction and social signal”, The Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics (ISIR), Paris, France
2013 PhD in Neurosciences
Stem cell and Brain Research Institute (SBRI), Claude Bernard University – Lyon I
2010 IUD Inter-University Diploma in Gerontechnology, Technology for health of aging people and disabled people
Paris University & Grenoble University (University Joseph Fourrier)
2009 Master degree (M2) : Engineering of Cognition, Creation, and Learning (IC2A), Cognitive Sciences, Grenoble INP
Master degree (M2) : Neuropsychology Research, University Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble
2008 Master degree (M1) : Cognitive Sciences, University Lumière Lyon II
2007 Bachelor degree : Cognitive Sciences, University Lumière Lyon II
Bachelor degree : Psychology, University Lumière Lyon II
  • Title : Beyond words and images, neurophysiological basis of a common semantic system for sentences and visual scene understanding
  • Supervisor : Dr Peter Ford Dominey & Dr Jocelyne Ventre-Dominey
  • Research Topic : semantic system, action, embodied cognition, language, semantic representation, grounded semantic, neuroimaging (DTI, fMRI, EEG)

M2 (UNIGE): Neuroscience of language


Jouen, A-L., Matsunaka, R. & Hiraki, K. Once upon a time… Acquisition of second language vocabulary through robotic storytelling in kindergarten. (Submitted)

Alimardani, M., Duret, J. L., Jouen, A. L., & Hiraki, K. (2022, March). Robot-Assisted Language Learning Increases Functional Connectivity in Children’s Brain. In Proceedings of the 2022 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 674-677).


Alimardani, M., Braak, S. V. D., Jouen, A-L., Matsunaka, R., & Hiraki, K. Assessment of Engagement and Learning During Child-Robot Interaction Using EEG Signals. In International Conference on Social Robotics (pp. 671-682). Springer, Cham.

Jouen, A-L., Cazin, N., Hidot, S., Madden-Lombardi, C., Ventre-Dominey, J., & Dominey, P. F. Common ERP responses to narrative incoherence in sentence and picture pair comprehension. Brain and Cognition, 153, 105775.

Jouen, A-L., Lancheros, M., & Laganaro, M. Microstate ERP Analyses to Pinpoint the Articulatory Onset in Speech Production. Brain topography, 34(1), 29-40.


Lancheros, M., Jouen, A-L., & Laganaro, M. Neural dynamics of speech and non-speech motor planning. Brain and language, 203, 104742.


Verwey, W. B., Jouen, A-L., Dominey, P. F., & Ventre-Dominey, J. Explaining the neural activity distribution associated with discrete movement sequences: Evidence for parallel functional systems. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 19(1), 138-153. 197

Jouen, A-L., Cazin, N., Hidot, S., Madden-Lombardi, C., Ventre-Dominey, J., & Dominey, P. F. Beyond the word and image: III. Neurodynamic properties of the semantic network. BioRxiv, 767384.


Jouen, A-L., Ellmore, T. M., Madden-Lombardi, C.., Pallier, C., Dominey, P. F., & Ventre-Dominey, J. Beyond the word and image: II-Structural and functional connectivity of a common semantic system. NeuroImage, 166, 185-197


Grossard, C., Grynspan, O., Serret, S., Jouen, A-L., Bailly, K., & Cohen, D. (2017). Serious games to teach social interactions and emotions to individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Computers & Education.

Jouen, A-L., Narzisi, A., Xavier, J., Tilmont, E., Bodeau, N., Bono, V., … & Muratori, F. GOLIAH (Gaming Open Library for Intervention in Autism at Home): a 6-month single blind matched controlled exploratory study. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 11(1), 17.


Bono, V., Narzisi, A., Jouen, A-L., Tilmont, E., Hommel, S., Jamal, W., … & Chetouani, M. GOLIAH: a gaming platform for home-based intervention in autism–principles and design. Frontiers in psychiatry, 7.


Madden-Lombardi, C*., Jouen, A-L.*, Dominey, P. F., & Ventre-Dominey, J. Sequential Coherence in Sentence Pairs Enhances Imagery during Comprehension: An Individual Differences Study. PloS one, 10(9), e0138269. (*these authors contributed equally to this work)

Jouen, A-L., Ellmore, T. M., Madden-Lombardi, C., Pallier, C., Dominey, P. F., Ventre-Dominey, J. Beyond the Word and Image: Characteristics of a Common Meaning System for Language and Vision Revealed by Functional and Structural Imaging, NeuroImage, 106, 72-85.


Anzalone, S. M., Tilmont, E., Boucenna, S., Xavier, J., Jouen, A-L., Bodeau, N., Maharatna, C., Chetouani, M., Cohen, How children with autism spectrum disorder behave and explore the 4-dimensional (spatial 3D+ time) environment during a joint attention induction task with a robot. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 8(7), 814-826.



Jouen, A-L., Verwey, W. B., Van Der Helden, J., Scheiber, C., Neveu, R., Dominey, P. F., & Ventre-Dominey, J. Discrete sequence production with and without a pause: the role of cortex, basal ganglia, and cerebellum. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 7: 492.