
Licence " Adapted Physical Activity and Health"

Manager : C.Michel


Physical activity can be used to improve health, increase autonomy, the quality of life, social interaction and so, indirectly, decrease the cost of health care. The aim of the Bachelors in Adapted Physical Activity is to develop the scientific knowledge, techniques and practises in the field of prevention and health maintenance. This bachelor’s degree is taught by several individuals specializing in the field of adapted motor activities for different segments of the public (children, adolescents, adults, aging subjects with motor, sensory or mental deficits, patients with chronic health problems). A bachelor’s degree from the University can be followed by a Master’s degree.

Master "Adapted Physical Activity and Health"

Managers : C. Paizis (Master 1) et R. Lepers (Master 2)


The Master’s in Adapted Physical activity offers a multidisciplinary training which is scientifically and technically oriented towards a better understanding of chronic pathologies, of motor and cognitive handicaps, of motor plasticity and of public health issues. The aim of this diploma is to allow students to develop an expertise in the area of Adapted Physical Activity and to give them access to similar professions in Public Health. Specialization and preparation for the job market are aimed for with over 220 hours of training at the Master 1 level and 300 hours for the Master 2 level. Internship is conducted either at the research laboratory on normal and pathological movement or at a health institution with patients having specific needs.

University Diploma "Sports Educator and Physical Activity for Health

Manager : F. Fouque


The physical activity specialists with diplomas from the DU ESAPS put in place physical activity programs conceptualized for fragile segments of the population. This fits into the framework of government health reforms of January 2016 in which physicians can prescribe physical activity for patients.

University Diploma "Perception Action and Learning Disorders

Managers : T. Pozzo et P. Quercia


The relationship between motor activity, perception and cognition is a topic of growing interest. It has been accepted that diverse perceptive and motor deficiencies can accompany classic cognitive problems. This study module is based on an understanding of embodied cognition. More specifically it examines the relationship between dyslexia, a learning deficit and postural difficulties.